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Home > Cochrane Membership > Cochrane Membership for translation project volunteers
Cochrane Membership for translation project volunteers
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What is Cochrane Membership?

Cochrane relies on the time and skills of volunteers who work with Cochrane Groups to produce and promote Cochrane evidence. Translation is a very important part of this work.


The Cochrane Membership scheme was launched in 2017, to recognise and reward the wide variety of ways in which people contribute to Cochrane’s work. Membership is offered to all our core contributors, including volunteer translators. 

Becoming a Cochrane Member allows you to:

  • Join a network of like-minded contributors
  • Develop new skills and interests
  • See your ongoing contributions recorded and recognised
  • Influence the future of Cochrane by voting in Governing Board elections and resolutions at the Annual General Meeting

Who are Cochrane’s Members and Supporters?

Our members and supporters come from all over the world. Anyone interested in Cochrane’s work can sign up to Join Cochrane. Your journey begins as a supporter with a Cochrane Account. You graduate from supporter to member status based on your contributions to Cochrane’s work. On average, one in ten people involved with Cochrane earn Cochrane Membership. So if you do become a Cochrane Member, you really are one of the core contributors at the heart of our organisation.

How can I become a Cochrane Member?

As you contribute to Cochrane, you earn membership points. When you complete a translation task in Phrase (formerly Memsource), you will earn 1 point per 2 words translated. Translation contribution points are added to your contribution record at the end of each month. If you earn over 1,000 points within 12 months, this will grant one year’s membership.

You will be offered membership automatically – look out for an email entitled 'Please activate your new Cochrane membership'.

This email will include a link to accept the terms and conditions of Cochrane membership and become an active member.

As you continue to contribute on an ongoing basis, your membership will be renewed automatically.

How can I track my contributions to Cochrane?

You can track your contributions to Cochrane in your Cochrane Account. When you earn membership, you can also download your Membership certificate. If you have any comments or queries about membership, please email

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