Sep 13, 2023
Cochrane Groups, Centres and Fields often provide training courses and host events such as webinars, symposia, workshops and seminars - these events can be either in-person or virtual.
If you are using a third-party events management system (such as EventBrite), please check the privacy policy to ensure it is compliant with data protection regulations.
If organising your event involves processing personal data, such as on registration forms, please follow the guidelines below:
- People signing up for training courses and events should be encouraged to set up a Cochrane Account so that their data are stored in our central systems
- If you are storing sign-up forms and lists of attendees separately, make sure participants know you are storing their data (include a short disclaimer on your registration form)
- Let participants know how their data will be stored and when it will be deleted
- Share the training data with the Cochrane Support Team ( after the event to maintain a complete training record in each individual’s Cochrane Account profile
- Delete the participants' data when it is no longer required
If you have further questions please contact